About Us

Seventh-day Adventists accept the Bible as the only source of our beliefs. We consider our movement to be the result of the Protestant conviction Sola Scriptura—the Bible as the only standard of faith and practice for Christians.

This statement is a condensed summary of the 28 fundamental beliefs held by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 


We believe that God loves. God is love, power, and splendor—and God is a mystery. His ways are far beyond us, but He still reaches out to us. God is infinite yet intimate, three yet one, all-knowing yet all-forgiving.  LEARN MORE


We believe that God creates. From neurons to nebulae, DNA to distant galaxies, we are surrounded by wonder. Yet the beauty is broken.  LEARN MORE


We believe that God redeems. Love. Harmony. Perfection. Once, all creation sang the same glorious song.  LEARN MORE


We believe that God inhabits. Jesus left His followers with an epic mission: tell the world of His love and His promise to return. Also, they should love people the way He loved them.  LEARN MORE


We believe that God transforms. God’s law in the Ten Commandments show us how to live and make clear our need for Jesus. Though the law shows us the path to follow and convicts us of sin, it’s about far more than just toeing the line.  LEARN MORE


We believe that God triumphs. From the Garden of Eden to the Tower of Babel, the destruction of Sodom to the Exodus from Egypt, God has always investigated before taking action.  LEARN MORE